Unlock the power of seamless data management with our Student Information System (SIS). Easily delve into your student data, navigating through the system with just a few clicks. Our intuitive platform allows you to customize multiple student profiles to align with your unique requirements.

No credit card required.

student information system

Customize Profile

FEATURES OF student information system

To keep track of students’ activity and maintain its record, organizations can customize respective student profiles for better segregation. This customize profile can then assign to a particular stream or group and can edit existing profiles and add new components to the profile on the go.

  • One can easily assign different profile templates to different student or group of students
  • Students can request for changes in details
  • Approve student details once submitted by students
  • Employees as well as students can download and print their respective data
student information system

No credit card required.

Quick Benefits


Quick Access

Quick Access
Offers you the best in concept software with multiple features and facilities where access to student data is instant and simple.

Digital Register

Digital Register
Stores and maintain the student’s important data and documents on the cloud having access to a digital register within a few clicks at your fingertips.

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage
Data is maintained and kept tracking of made simple and easy by storing all on the cloud and having access to the same data on the go.

Long Term Benefits

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Storage
Offers you unlimited space of storage where data is stored in high-end security and with utter safety.

Glance on Past Data

Glance on Past Data
One can have easy access to the past student’s data with few simple clicks and at fingertips.

24x7 Access

24x7 Access
Have access to data from anywhere and anytime.


vmedulife team will work with you for consistent implementation support to meet your unique requirements and achieve your organization goals.

  • Identify the pain areas in organization
  • Design and execute Training plan for successful implementation of platform
  • Successful Training of platform at organization
  • Provide single point of contact for implementation
  • Help desk portal for any query and custom enhancement

No credit card required.


  • Student List Genderwise Report
  • Student Admission Yearwise Report
  • Student List Streamwise Report
  • Student Statewise Report
  • Student Academic Yearwise Report
  • NRI Student Report


We have a dedicated team to support our valuable users which will help you to achieve the goals with the help of vmedulife's inbuilt Technical Support Portal, from where faculty members of can raise the respective concerns or suggestions. Admin from the organization can also verify logs of queries and suggestions for maintaining the track and records.


Yes, we can customize the student profile fields.

Yes, students as well as employees can download and print their respective data

The basic information is visible to all but detailed profile can be access restricted

Yes, you can get class-wise details.

vmedulife’s Student Profile Report module offers comprehensive features such as customizable student profiles, real-time data updates, performance analytics, and the ability to generate detailed reports.