Outcome Based Education software is an approach to education in which decisions about the curriculum, instruction, and assessment are driven by the exit learning outcomes that the students should demonstrate at the end of a program or a course. In outcome based education software, “product defines process ”. It is the opposite of input-based education where the emphasis is on the teaching and the system is happy to accept whatever is the result.

The academic Planning module offers best-in-class features of online classes, timetable generation, proposed syllabus, completion report, gap analysis, teaching aids/methodologies, and student attendance of sessions. Get ready with the reports required for Program Curriculum and Teaching – Learning Processes, NAAC, and NBA Accreditation.
Collect feedback smartly from your stakeholders like students, employees of the institute, alumni, employers, and parents within a few clicks. Analyze the responses and take the necessary action for overall development using outcome based education software.

Experience the Automation and Intelligence in online exam features & functionality, which makes “vmedulife” the most trusted and best Online Exam Software & Assessment Partner for Colleges, Institutes, and Academies.
Conducting and managing examination data for the offline exams is now effortless with the “vmedulife” Result Analysis module. Starting from examination scheduling, question paper generation, student enrollment, and student performance can be easily managed in the system.

Rubrics are an inspiring guide and a powerful tool for learning, assessment, and grading of the individual as well as multiple students’ work. Rubrics play an important role in communicating faculty expectations to students in the assessment and what is important is considered.
Assignments are one of the best ways to track the progress of students. Students can put their understanding to the test, while teachers can assess how well their lessons are being received. “vmedulife” assignment module will ease the process as well as providing the convenience in the grading, reports, etc.

As quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. This IQAC module will play a key important role in the conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement of institutional performance, aligning seamlessly with outcome based education software.