Online Exam System
CategoriesOnline Examination Software

5 Important features of an online examination software that makes it vital for every educational institution…

The lockdowns placed on our society as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak have shrunk the world we live in. How are we meant to give out tests without suitable standards in place if we don’t have physical contact with one other? This is why there is online exam software by vmedulife

Whether it’s simple school quizzes, admission exams, or even evaluation tests, you can rest confident that this type of software will allow you to administer tests without concern of cheating and with the embrace of comfort and accessibility.

With that in mind, you might be interested in learning more about the top five features of online exam software…

  1. Exam Planning and Scheduling:

The first thing to consider when conducting online tests is the ease with which they may be scheduled and planned. The management team usually discusses and plans the exam schedule, which most employees adhere to. Everything related to the schedule will be recorded in the system. Furthermore, teachers can organize, prepare, and publish exams in advance using the online exam system, so students will only be able to take tests on the days specified.

  1. Assembling many types of questions:

In traditional tests, MCQ-based questions and descriptive questions are utilized, therefore it’s also important to have both subjective and objective type questions put up in an online exam to make it user-friendly. Another key feature is a variety of question patterns that can include mathematical expressions, graphics, formulas, and more, all of which can be managed in an online exam software. The questions can also be put up according to how difficult they are, and the student’s results will be evaluated based on their difficulty level.

If a teacher wishes to administer a test on a specific topic within a subject, the online examination software can accommodate this request. Question Bank management can also be done via online exam systems, with all of the most significant questions being included and strong software reports allowing schools to communicate the information long before the exam.

  1. Get the outcome attainment automatically:

While designing questionnaires, faculty can link the questions with the course outcome, learning outcome. Auto generated report for blooms levels. Quality of question paper report. Define the questions difficulty level as per the defined target in alignment with the blooms level.

  1. Evaluation of Results Right Away:

The evaluation scores are the most important for students’ future and careers. As soon as the tests are submitted by the students within the specified time frame, the program instantly presents the results by computing negative marks, showing a review of each question, as well as proper answers and advice. With all of these fantastic features, the teacher’s workload is much reduced, and they can even test and assess the application. Teachers can go into the application and score the students’ marking level in subjective type questions. As a result, the application could handle all of the basic requirements for creating student report cards.

  1. Important notices:

Another important parameter for educational institutes is keeping parents informed about their children’s academic progress. As a result, automated push notifications, SMS, and email alerts are no longer tedious tasks for the examination system. Schools can set up and send notifications for things like exam scheduling reminders, results updates, exam report cards, mark sheets, regular assignments, question banks, and many other things linked to virtual assessment.

  1. Dashboards and Analysis of Results:

Schools and colleges must assess their students’ growth and knowledge in order to retain their reputations. As a result, once the tests are completed, the teachers and administrators conduct thorough inspections and analysis. Reports with data such as mark sheets, graphical representations, dashboards, thorough reports of brilliant and weak students, and other many sorts of reports are available in online examination software. Even the management team can utilize their privileged access in the software to access the assessment dashboards and check the organization’s overall outcome summary.


Online exam systems by vmedulife are being used more frequently in these difficult times and will continue to be used in the future because they offer benefits over traditional examinations such as increased security, no room for cheating, customized reports, on-screen evaluation, multi-language support, easy question bank management, and remote supervision.