Revolutionize your feedback collection with vmedulife’s Online Feedback System—an advanced online feedback software designed to smartly gather insights from stakeholders like students, employees, alumni, employers, and parents. In just a few clicks, streamline the feedback process and initiate comprehensive analysis for informed decision-making. Take proactive actions for the overall development of the institute, utilizing the power of vmedulife’s Online Feedback System. Enhance engagement, drive improvement, and make feedback a pivotal tool for holistic progress within your educational ecosystem.

No credit card required.

online feedback system

Types of Feedback

FEATURES OF online feedback system

50+ pre-loaded types of feedback for quick use. Add more if required. Filter the feedback using types.

  • Customize type along with inbuilt.
  • No limit for the types of feedback
  • Link outcome for every type of feedback

Feedback Question

online feedback system

Feedback questions can be easily managed with a feedback category. Facility to add objective & descriptive type questions.

  • Quick search
  • Use questions from pre-loaded question bank
  • Generate attainment
online feedback system

Conduct Feedback

Create feedback and open the link for the respective stakeholders. Track the response and get a quick analysis of the feedback

  • Track the response on the go
  • Graphical analysis
  • Send notification to attendees
  • Apply actions to responses
online feedback system

Feedback Analysis

  • Outcome attainment reports
  • Download feedback report
  • Get a combined feedback report

Analyses the response of conducted feedback and easily calculates the feedback performance. Effortlessly combined the various feedback report.

No credit card required.

What Our Client Say​

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Quick Of Benefits online feedback system

online feedback system

Stakeholder Satisfaction

Stakeholder Satisfaction
Online feedback system helps to analyze the satisfaction of stakeholders and their reviews concerning their concern fields which helps to improvise for a better future.

Instant Decision

Online feedback software allows an organization to take quick and instant action on the reviews received from stakeholders which enables it to nurture the quality process of the organization to achieve more height in its way.

Improve Appraisal

Improve Appraisal
As feedback helps in the overall improvement of the organization it also gives a helping hand to increase the value of its concern faculty based on the reviews received from stakeholders.

Long Term Benefits

Digital Services

Digital Services
Online feedback system helps in parallel preparation of NAAC, NBA, and NIRF Accreditation Norms in hassle-free process

Customized Process

Customized Process
online feedback system restructure the syllabus and teaching ways by analyzing the previous years reports


By reducing the usage of paper in huge amount, helps organization in upgrading to the next level by contributing into the GO GREEN Movement


vmedulife team will work with you for consistent implementation support to meet your unique requirements and achieve your organization goals.

  • Identify the pain areas in organization
  • Design and execute Training plan for successful implementation of platform
  • Successful Training of platform at organization
  • Provide single point of contact for implementation
  • Help desk portal for any query and custom enhancement
Internal Quality Assurance Cell


  • Classwise Feedback Report
  • Datewise Feedback Report
  • Subject Feedback Report
  • Teaching Feedback Report
  • NSS Activities Feedback Report
  • Alumni Events Feedback Report
  • Co-Curricular Activities Feedback Report
  • Extra-Curricular Activities Feedback Report
  • Institute Feedback Report
  • Institute Infrastructure Feedback Report
  • Non-Teaching Support Report
  • Student Satisfaction Survey Report
  • Career Guidance Program Feedback Report
  • Course Exit Report
  • Cultural Facilities And Activities Report
  • Parents Feedback Report
  • Placement And Entrepreneurship Development Cell Report
  • Skill Development Programs Report
  • Industry Visit Report
  • Healthcare Facilities And Activities
  • Industrial Inplant Training Report
  • Sports Facilities And Activities Report

No credit card required.


We have a dedicated team to support our valuable users which will help you to achieve the goals with the help of vmedulife's inbuilt Technical Support Portal, from where faculty members of can raise the respective concerns or suggestions. Admin from the organization can also verify logs of queries and suggestions for maintaining the track and records.


Yes, all stakeholders can access online feedback software.

Yes, an online feedback system feedback facility is available on vmedulife mobile app.

Yes, online feedback system from external users can be conducted through online feedback software.

Yes, Outcome attainment calculation is connected with online feedback software.

vmedulife’s Online Feedback module offers several benefits to educational institutions, including streamlined feedback collection processes, improved data accuracy, enhanced transparency, and actionable insights for decision-making. It helps institutions in identifying areas for improvement, fostering communication, and enhancing overall educational experiences.

Yes, vmedulife’s Online Feedback module can play a crucial role in supporting institutions during accreditation processes. By gathering feedback from students, faculty, and stakeholders, institutions can demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement, address accreditation criteria related to stakeholder engagement, and provide evidence of quality assurance measures.